Ankie is het de meme die alle coole kids doen en aangezien ik én een enorme meeloper ben én er dolgraag bij wil horen doe ik hem ook!!! ;-)
-- your heritage: Polish-Ukrainian Portugese. Don´t ask. ;-)
-- the shoes you wore today: lace up boots
-- your hair: grown out blonde that should be fixed
-- your eyes: brown
-- your fears: living this life forever
-- your perfect pizza: the ananas one I had in Heiloo somewhere in the last century
what is
-- your most overused phrase: I overuse most frases, since I hardly ever shut up ;-)
-- your thoughts first waking up: my jaw hurts
-- the first aspect of the opposite sex that you notice: the way they move
-- your best physical feature: I guess my lips, as already 2 people have asked me where I had them done (seriously!!!)
-- your bedtime: off the chart
you prefer
-- McDonald’s or Burger King: neither
-- single or group dates: I don´t do dates
-- Adidas or Nike: no preference
-- Lipton ice tea or Nestea: is there a difference?
-- cappuccino or coffee: I don´t drink coffee
-- boxers or briefs: granny style undies
do you
-- smoke: nope
-- sing well: depends on who you ask (ask my cats! Ask my cats! ;-) )
-- take a shower everyday: on average, yes
-- want to go to college: college = HBO, then yes
-- like high school: school?! panics
-- want to get married: for the dress ;-)
-- type w/ your fingers on the right keys: yes
-- believe in yourself: yes
-- get motion sickness: sometimes
-- think you’re attractive: depends on when, where and to whom
-- think you’re a health freak: no
-- get along with your parents: most of the time yes
-- like thunderstorms: absolutely! I love to walk in them to clear my mind
-- play an instrument: a bit of piano and I pretend to know how to sing
in the past month, did/have you
-- done a drug: painkillers and antibiotics
-- gone to the mall?: no malls here
-- eaten an entire box of oreos: never had an oreo
-- eaten sushi: yes
-- been on stage: nope
-- been dumped: nope
-- gone skating: if inline skating counts, yup
-- made homemade cookies: nope
-- gone skinny dipping: naah, get real! It´s freezing!
-- dyed your hair: no, but I should have
-- stolen anything: no, of course not
have you ever
-- played a game that required removal of clothing?: And what sort of game would that be?
-- been trashed or extremely intoxicated?: Stop it! My mom reads this journal!!! ;-) But seriously: no
-- been caught "doing something"?: I mostly get caught doing nothing
-- gotten beaten up?: yes, but that was long ago fortunately
-- shoplifted?: nope
-- if so, did you get caught?: nope
-- changed who you were to fit in?: I don´t need to, my multiple personalities take care of that just fine ;-)
-- age you hope to be married?: eh?
-- numbers and names of children?: don´t know if I want children or not
-- describe your dream wedding?: dreamy?
-- how do you want to die?: quickly
-- where you want to go to college?: here (= Amsterdam)
-- what do you want to be when you grow up?: My mom says I am allready grown up ;-)
-- drugs taken illegally: none
-- cds that I own: loads
-- piercing: ears, but I never wear earrings due to allergic reactions
-- tattoos: none (yet)
-- scars on my body: 7
-- things in my past that I regret: a lot, but I try not to focus on that
yes or no
-- you keep a diary: not since 2001, unless you count this blog thingie as a diary
-- you like to cook: yes
-- you have a secret you have not shared with anyone: yes (or at least I think I do ;-) )
-- you fold your underwear: sometimes
-- you talk in your sleep: according to friends I do, but my cats never compain ;-)
-- you set your watch a few minutes ahead: 5 minutes and it works
-- you bite your fingernails: no
-- you believe in love: (getting all new agey:) I don´t have to believe in it, love exists.
x. movie you watched = Eternal sunshine of the etc.
x. song you listened to = Take me out by Franz Ferdinand
x. song you’ve downloaded = see above
x. cd you bought = Sandrine Collard – Je communique
x. person you’ve called = Mos
x. person that’s called you = Mom
x. tv show you’ve watched = something crappy on NET5
x. you wish you could live somewhere else = sometimes
x. you think about suicide = yes, but thinking does not equal contemplating
x. you believe in online dating = no, but then again, I don´t really believe in dating ;-)
x. others find you attractive = You should ask other people that
x. you want more piercings = absolutely not
x. you want more tattoos = yes, but I might never actually do it due to the possibility of allergic reactions to the ink
x. you drink = water, yes
x. you do drugs = only prescription medication
x. you smoke = nope
x. you like cleaning = nohohoooo!
x. you like roller coasters = no
x. you write in cursive or print = both combined, which makes for a very interesting handwriting if I might say so myself.
x. do you carry a donor card = Yes, they can keep whatever they want/need
have you
x. ever cried over a girl = Yes
x. ever cried over a boy = Yes
x. ever lied to someone = Yes
x. ever been in a fist fight = Yes
x. ever been arrested = Not technically ;-)